bLiNk 182 HoMe



MaRk HoPpUs

TrAviS BaRkEr

WhAts NeW


bLiNk-O-GrAph II

CoNtAcT BLiNk 182




ViDeOs AnD CdS


FaVoUriTe LinKs

otHeR BaNdS

AbOuT Me




Name: Travis London Barker

Birthday: 14th Of Nov, 1975

Relations To Blink 182: Drummer (originally Blinks Drummer was Scott Raynor but in 1998 he called quits and Trav was his replacement.)

Status: Divorced and Has a girlfriend. He also as a new born, a little boy named London.

 Favourite Band: The Police/Old Dirty Bastard/The Descendants

Favourite Movie: True Romance

 In Spare Time: runs Famous Stars and Straps, a belt and buckle company specializing in hot rod designs, for boys and girls/collects Cadillacs and old bicycles

Pet: Tim, a member of the Inland Empire Underwear Police

 Instrument Used: Orange County drum and percussion with Zildjan cymbals and sticks

Travis started playing the drums when he was 4 and stopped when he was 7 and then started again when he was 17.Got his first drum set as a young boy. He is a highly skilled drummer, and has played in a wide variety of bands before joining blink. He was previously with the ska band, 'the aquabats', where he played under the name 'Travis Baron von Tito'.Travis mum died of cancer when travis was only young. He has tatoos and piecings all over his body, which have a lot of meaning to him. He also runs his own shop called 'Famous Stars and Straps.'

 Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker was recruited at the last minute from his then-current band, The Aquabats, when their former drummer had to leave because of a family emergency. Barker was forced to learn all of the band's songs in an hour. He was successful.

Barker and DeLonge have a side project called Box Car Racer that tends to play rawer and more serious punk music. Barker can also be heard in the Transplants, a punk supergroup comprised of him and Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman from Rancid.


Travis helps run an online shop called Famous Stars and Straps