bLiNk 182 HoMe



MaRk HoPpUs

TrAviS BaRkEr

WhAts NeW


bLiNk-O-GrAph II

CoNtAcT BLiNk 182




ViDeOs AnD CdS


FaVoUriTe LinKs

otHeR BaNdS

AbOuT Me




Name:  Mark Allan Hoppus

Birthday: March 15, 1972     

Birth Place: Ridgecrest, California, USA

Relations to Blink 182: Bass and Vocal

Status: Married with a son named Jack

Favourite Band: Jimmy Eat World/Riverfenix

Favourite Movie: Caddyshack 

In Spare Time: Fishes, plays Playstation, plays Nintendo 64

Pet: beagle named Ah 

Instrument Used: Fender Custom Shop Precision

Amp Used: Ampeg SVT-3 Pro 

LJ User: exclude

Marks parents divorced when he was 14 and he went to live with his dad,high tech weapons engineer for the U.S. navy, in Washington.His father's work took the family to various places in the U.S., rarely staying anywhere for more than two years. Mark said the constant moving was the only consistent feature of his childhood.His dad gave him his first bass and amp as a present when he was 15, for helping paint the house. He originally wanted to be a highschool english teacher. Mark has the least number of tatoos/piercings in the band, with just a nipple ring and his left ear pierced.He used to smoke, but doesn't anymore. He got married to Skye Everly in December 2nd 2000 and in August 5th 2002 they had their son Jack.

Mark Hoppus got married to Skye Everly in November 2000.

Before Blink 182, Mark was in the bands Of All Things, and Pier 69

Marks father now works for the Department of Defense designing missiles.